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New Company Logo

by FWorld on 27 March 2024 No comments

The year 2022 was important for the growth of the company and with the acquisition by OM group it was decided to renew our image and, consequently,
also the logo. We are now pleased to present you the outcome of this restyling operation which begins with our new logo but which will continue in the coming months
affecting our entire corporate image, both paper and digital.

The new logo sees the symbol renewed but inspired by the previous brand.
We decided to lighten the shade of the base color, precisely to communicate the lightness and freedom of production of any small batches
that distinguishes us and to give a clearer image to those who look at us from the outside by changing the slogan with an ever-evolving definition of society.
It is a modern, dynamic and clear logo, connected to our DNA and the values ​​we want to communicate: solidity, reliability, speed, recognisability and constant evolution.

It fully reflects our corporate vision and the entrepreneurial mentality we are following; tradition, experience, professionalism and innovation that come together
and which are also transmitted in the symbol that represents the company.

FWorldNew Company Logo